
Friday, 9 January 2015

Bursted!!..The New Tricks Of Runs-girls.. A Must-read For Every Guy.

This Is How Most Babes Now Use Relationships To Ply Their Trade.
See if you're among those rolling in this tricks

Tina cuts Ola in,
she feels that instead of always giving Ola fish, she will have to tutor her on how to catch the fish, especially in the neighbourhood.
She now seems to have a great idea.

*TINA: Don't you know that most of the time, when you collect money from these boys and immediately give them congo to shine, you end up losing out on the bigger package?
Relax... There are better ways to do it.

*OLA: Bu..but, they come straight-forward na,, they come asking for it straight,, you know all these boys. They re so blunt.

*TINA: Relax jooor,,, don't be a juu-girl. See eh,, it's just simple. When a guy comes trying to play blunt eh,, just cut him short and let him know that you will have to "Get To Know Him first". That way, ur game would be set. #‎nods_head‬

*OLA: A guy comes asking for osho, you re telling him about getting to know him? #‎bursts_into_lafter‬ Hahahaha

*TINA: Keep on laughing, later you ll be disturbing me to tell you how I get so much money and gifts from my guys.

*OLA: #‎holds_laff‬,,, ok... Okk, sorry,, but you know its complicated nau,,, Any guy you tell that will not agree na,,, they go even apply more pressure,,, You know guys na.

*TINA: Comot there jooor,,, don't you know that it's a way to form DECENT BABE for guys? Once you tell them say you can't hook up with a guy u don't know, they 'll respect you sharp sharp. U no know?

*OLA: Ohhh, So, the whole game is all about appearing as a decent babe to him?

*TINA: Before nko?... You no know before ?
See eehh, runs get level,,, And na smart babes get this format I wan teach you so.
You dey listen?

*OLA: ehee,,, ehee,,, Tell me abeg,, tell me ooO,,,, Ma body don dey hot, hehe

*TINA: Ok.... See eeh,,, When a guy wey you feel say hold some cash, come to toast you unto that congo way na,,, ehee,,, Make you just talk to am as if him don commit one big forbidden crime like that. Make am to know say you no be babe wey him go just start to dey talk to like that,,,, infact, if you fit vex, make u vex wella,,, but eh, no over-do things ooO.

*OLA: Ahh,,,, Ahh,,,, What of if him come lose interest na?

*TINA: Him no fit,,, he go just respect you kpatakpata,,, Those kind guys dey like babes wey them see as decent babes.
And na on top those kind babes them dey spend pass.

*OLA: You don't mean it !!! ... Eehhhee, .... And wetin next ?

*TINA: When you don whine him head finish,,, him go come come down, and start to dey see you unto that level of decent babe wey u don package urself give am ehh,,, Na there work start ooO,,,

*OLA: Wonderful.... Tell me more abeg...

*TINA:: Haaah,,, Ola, you go pay for this lecture ooO,,, hehehe,,, Ok na,,,
After you don on am keep,, him go wan toast you, make you be him girl,,
No try to play Hard-to-Get.
Just gree.
But give am condition say you no go come him house FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF THE RELATIONSHIP.

*OLA: Hhheeeeeyyyyy !!!,,,,

*TINA: Wetin?.... Na the job be that na,,, If you no put boundaries,,, him go just chop Osho-free, break door comot,,,, So you got to wise up.

*OLA: But how him go dey give you money? As you no dey give am the thing na?

*TINA: Na to give am hope na,,, You be children?
Within the first month, you go just forge one family or school problem wey you get, give am bill.
Na So You Go Dey Give Am Bill Through Out That Three Months ooO,,,, Sooteyy, you go see say him go don spend pass wetin him for spend if to say you give an osho that time, collect money.
You no see say money dey this package pass?
Imagine say you hold like 5 guys for this kind work,,, Your own never better?

*OLA: Ahhhhh,, Tini baebeeyyY !!!... This your runs package na fire ooO,,, O boy!

*TINA: I just dey look you since na,,, you just dey collect change from these boys.
See Tunde, that short guy... Ehee, him never see anything chop ooO,
but him just credit my account with 10k this morning.

*OLA: Huuhhh,,, teeeennn wettiinn?

*TINA: Dey there,,, If you no sabi form decent babe for some Naija guys eeehh,,, Na that time you go see say them stingy die.
But if you just dey package yourself unto the levels of babe wey too dey go evening fellowship for church,, wey no dey like man, and.. and all those good good girls parole eehhh,,, You go see say some guys brain na akamu.

*OLA: BaabbeyyY,,, I dey telllsss yhu,,, Chai,,, See package ooO.
I just dey sleep since oooooOOO

--------------- Cuts--------------

you most have com across something like this..lolz

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